Are You Sitting Comfortably?

Publisher: Bloomsbury

The little boy in this book is looking for the perfect place to read his book - somewhere comfy, somewhere not stinky, and somewhere light with no strange hooting or monsters in the background! But nothing he finds is quite right.

As he explores, the boy finds a number of animal friends that help him realise that the mighty task of finding the perfect place to read is in fact very simple: 'But wait, hang on - Yes! That's it! It doesn't matter where you sit! A book is best anywhere… A book is best when you share.' 

Hodgkinson's recognisably quirky and appealing rhyming text and illustration celebrates the enduring importance of reading together.

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Author: Leigh Hodgkinson

When Sunny gets told she must not eat chocolate biscuits before teatime, she is very annoyed, and loses her smile.

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