Silence is Not An Option

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You can impact the world for change

Publisher: Scholastic

Do you know what you want to do in the future but not sure how to get there? Or really don’t know what you want to do at all? Either way, the tools and ideas presented here will help you figure it out. Covering topics from making choices and decisions to managing mistakes and criticism, motivational speaker Stuart Lawrence believes that with a little help, everyone can handle life’s challenges, figure out their passions and find their voice.

Stuart’s brother Stephen Lawrence was murdered in a racist attack in London in 1993, and Stuart’s reflections on his relationship with his brother are intermingled with the self-help aspect of the book. By connecting the advice he’s giving readers to his personal experiences makes it easy to see how he has applied these lessons in his own life, and that the advice comes from a place of great life experience and hard-earned wisdom.

Silence is Not an Option aims to help young people live successful, positive, happy lives and to empower them to create change in the world. Stuart’s direct address to teenagers is accessible and relatable, while the text is simple and straightforward enough to reach readers of all kinds. A book that young readers can dip in and out of throughout their teenage years and beyond.

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