Bookbuzz guides and resources

Here is everything you will need to run Bookbuzz in your school.

Bookbuzz Guide

Your essential guide to delivering Bookbuzz in six easy steps - includes key dates and information about the 2023 books and resources.

Bookbuzz Presentation

Introduce your students to the 17 Bookbuzz books with this PowerPoint presentation.

Bookbuzz 2023 poster

This bright and colourful poster can be used to create an engaging display in your classroom or library to get your students excited about Bookbuzz!

Watch the Bookbuzz 2023 film

Authors and student readers introduce the 2023 Bookbuzz books. A great way to help your students make their choice.

All 2022 Bookbuzz resources


Also useful

Bookbuzz FAQs

If you have a question about Bookbuzz then check our FAQs.


A helpful summary of dates for the coming year to help you run Bookbuzz in your school.

The Bookbuzz books

From non-fiction reads for curious minds, to fast-paced page-turners, Bookbuzz has something for everyone.