New Bookstart Dechrau Da titles announced for 2019

Published on: 13 May 2019

Helen Oxenbury’s Bouncing Babies, Debbie Powell’s Anifeiliad / Animals, Lerryn Korda’s So Cosy and Julia Donaldson’s Sanau Cadno / Fox’s Socks have been announced as this year’s new Bookstart Dechrau Da titles.

Bookstart in Wales baby and Early Years packs 2019

From May 2019, Bookstart Dechrau Da Baby and Early Years packs will be going out across Wales with a new selection of exciting books, chosen by our panels of experts. Every child in Wales can receive these two special Bookstart packs before the age of three, which are given to families by their health visitor.

This year, approximately 30,000 babies will receive the beautifully illustrated Bouncing Babies by Helen Oxenbury as part of their Bookstart Baby pack. Families will usually receive the pack for their health visitor when their child is six months old.

'The illustrations in Bouncing Babies always make me smile, they are so cheerful and there is something very warm and comforting about this book.' Donna Hardman, Blaenau Gwent libraries

Illustration from Bouncing Babies by Helen Oxenbury

Bouncing Babies is joined by Anifeiliaid / Animals by Debbie Powell, a bilingual book that uses bright illustrations, eye-catching shiny shapes and lots of touch and feel. Anifeiliaid has been adapted into Welsh especially for Bookstart.

Meanwhile, So Cosy by Lerryn Korda will be included in every Early Years pack, which is usually given to toddlers in Wales by health visitors when children are 27 months old. So Cosy is a funny book with beautiful illustrations of animals that’s perfect for snuggling up and sharing at bed time.

Sanau Cadno / Fox's Socks by Julia Donaldson is also included in the Early Years pack. This bilingual title is a lovely, interactive lift the flap book, fantastic for adults and children to share. The detailed illustrations encourage discussion while everyone hunts for the missing socks.

Bookstart Dechrau Da is funded by the Welsh Government. You’ll find lots of fun resources and handy information here.

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