Tiny and Teeny

Publisher: Walker Books

At the edge of Glengadget, Tiny lives with her pet fox Teeny in an adorable house made out of a shiny red apple. Tiny is a tremendously helpful creature: if she’s not helping Minikin out by babysitting her excitable twins, she’s reading to elderly Bitsy Jones or helping Mandy Small in the garden.

Yet when Tiny and Teeny’s apple house turns a distinctly un-apple-ish colour, all Tiny’s good deeds pay off and the villagers of Glengadget find a way to make everything even better than before.

The colourful imagery in this wonderful picture book for 2-4s is deeply appealing – the spreads featuring the little houses in Glengadget, like the greengrocer inside a pumpkin and the Grand Hotel inside the teapot, are straight out of a Lilliput/dolls house mashup.

The text is perfect for reading to toddlers and preschoolers, in a nice, clear font which has a gentle message about the good things that happen when we do nice things for others.

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