No Such Thing as Dragons

Publisher: Scholastic

This novel continues to reveal the diversity of Reeve’s writing, previously seen in the Mortal Engines series and the award-winning Here Lies Arthur.

Here Reeve creates a poetic, fast-moving, medieval adventure story with its roots firmly in traditional folk tale and legend; however, he also examines many issues pertinent to a modern audience of young readers.

Ansel, mute since his mother’s death, is apprenticed by his uncaring father to an adventurer, Brock, a self-styled dragon-slayer.

Deeply sceptical of Brock’s claims, and angered by the cruelty of superstitious villagers, Ansel undertakes a quest that involves rescuing maidens and monsters, thereby facing danger, death and his own inner demons.

Reeve successfully emulates the content and literary style of the genre, but also provides a satisfying fantasy adventure for the 21st century.

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