Katie and the Spanish Princess

(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Hachette

Grandma and Katie seek inspiration in the art gallery for a princess party dress. As Grandma sleeps, Katie meets the Infanta Margarita from a Velázquez painting and together they and a thieving magpie from a Goya travel in and out of paintings to weave a story that introduces us to iconic Old Masters of Spanish painting.

The girls swap clothes and Katie experiences being a princess for a day until King Philip 1V of Spain steps out of his painting and recalls his daughter to her true role. Through this fantasy time-travel, Mayhew suggests the enjoyment to be had from a visit to the art gallery.

He stirs the imagination as well as providing a page of factual context for these oft-neglected artists and their works.

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