How to Write a Love Story

(1 reviews with an average rating of 4 out of 5)

Publisher: Stripes

Tilly is from an extraordinary family with an extraordinary matriarch: Bea Frost, the bestselling romance novelist. Tilly has always wanted to write, so finishing her grandmother’s novel while she’s unwell seems like a dream come true and an opportunity she’s lucky to have.

But then her grandmother asks her to do more writing for her, and Tilly embarks on research that involves falling in love to a schedule. Is her Mr Right really who she thinks he is, and is Tilly really being true to her passion for writing? And what is wrong with the indomitable Bea Frost?

How to Write a Love Story is a classic romance, but it has a lot more to offer – explorations of the writing process, and of the personal and ethical dilemmas around ghost writing and profiting from family connections. There is also an affectionate portrait of a loving but imperfect relationship between a teenage girl and her powerful, unconventional grandmother.

This clever romance is likely to appeal to any reader with an interest in writing, reading and love. 

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