Things the Eye Can't See

Publisher: Electric Monkey

15-year-old Libby is a keen artist and a talented photographer. Life is relatively uneventful until one day on her way home from school she is accosted by a former classmate. Charlie hasn’t been seen at school for months but now here he is urgently thrusting an envelope at her and telling her to pass it on to another boy in her class. Against her better judgement, Libby reluctantly agrees. However it turns out that this simple errand is just the ominous start; Libby soon finds herself drawn into a strange and potentially dangerous mystery.

This is an absorbing read about finding clues, unravelling facts and making the right decisions at the right time. Touching on subjects such as organised crime, exploitation and even murder, it is nevertheless surprisingly accessible, and delivered with a very gentle touch. 

Libby is blind and the author’s conscientious research pays off. The result is a credible protagonist and a wealth of convincing yet unforced insights into visual impairment. The wider cast allows for a hint of romance, occasional friendship challenges and an interesting family dynamic featuring an opinionated grandmother and conflicting parental views on independence. Last but by no means, there is Samson, the guide dog, whose presence remains powerful and reassuring throughout the book, echoing his bond with Libby.

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