The Sad Ghost Club

(2 reviews with an average rating of 4 out of 5)

Publisher: Hodder

After being invited to a party, SG struggles with the decision of whether or not to go. On one hand, they don’t want to be the only one that didn’t go, but on the other hand, the thought of going to a party fills them with anxiety… And when SG does pluck up the courage to go, when they get there, there are all those awkward social interactions to navigate.

However, when SG meets Socks – another sad ghost having trouble knowing what to do with themselves and how to connect with the people around them – they’ve unknowingly found a kindred spirit. As the night ticks by SG and Socks reach out and discover they have a lot in common, from a love of animals to their mental health and worries for the future.

This heart-warming black-and-white graphic novel perfectly captures the experience of anxiety, swirling thoughts and the challenges of social interaction when you a quiet, shy person, or experiencing depression. Taking place over just 24 hours, ultimately it’s about the power of friendship to help us step outside our loneliness, and the joy found in making communities of like-minded souls. As SG and Socks open up to each other and become friends, they take solace from the discovery that they are not, after all, alone in their experiences.

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