The Isobel Journal

Publisher: Hot Key

Subtitled ‘Just a Northern Girl from Where Nothing Really Happens’, this beautifully-presented book from 18-year-old debut author Isobel Harrop is a vivid scrapbook of teenage life. Bringing together a collection of quirky sketches, doodles, mini graphic novels, photographs and captions, it makes for a delightful visual treat.

Harrop’s witty narrative voice is always strong and distinctive, whether she is grappling with love and romance, or sharing her favourite things, from the bands she loves to cute otters and cups of tea. Her energetic, quirky illustration style is also hugely appealing, making this a book that will grab the attention of teen readers who enjoy the visual as much as the verbal – and her creative talent will no doubt serve as inspiration to other aspiring young writers and artists. A fresh and charmingly frank portrait of teen life which perfectly captures the day-to-day realities of growing up, The Isobel Journal will leave readers excited to see what Harrop will come up with next.

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