Elmer and the Lost Treasure

Publisher: Andersen Press

Elmer the patchwork elephant, his cousin Wilbur and three other elephants have set off on a long walk to explore the jungle when they come across an unfamiliar area.

After rolling down a steep slope, they find the entrance to a forgotten palace, carved all over with elephants, and start to explore. Inside, they find huge, domed blue halls, grand tiled corridors, elephant statues, totem poles, mosaics and fountains.

Will they find the famous lost treasure of the jungle inside? Or might the palace be a treasure in itself?

This new Elmer adventure explores the mysterious jungle, finding a beautiful temple that seems dedicated to the worship of elephants – a fitting celebration for these beautiful creatures and for Elmer's community itself.

Yet, there's a sadness that the reverence for elephants may have been lost, given that the palace is overgrown and forgotten. In his gentle way, David McKee reminds us of the grandeur of elephants and that we should never fail to treat them – and all animals - with the highest regard.

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