Human Kindness

Publisher: What On Earth Publishing

Over the course of history, acts of kindness between human beings have been integral to our survival. Whether it’s as simple as sharing a smile or as brave as risking your life to save another person’s, our compassion is key to our humanity.

This powerful picture book all about human kindness is written by John Francis, who took a vow of silence for 17 years as a form of peaceful protest against the environmental devastation happening to our planet. He also gave up using any kind of motorized vehicle, choosing to walk everywhere instead, earning him the nickname the ‘Planetwalker.’

With colourful double page spreads illustrated by Josy Bloggs, John explains how instances of human kindness can be tracked as far back as paleolithic times, when Stone Age people would help each other when they were injured – right up to the present day, where science has discovered that being kind to others is actually good for your health!

Filled with stories of amazing people whose superpower is their compassion towards others – from Harriet Tubman, who saved hundreds of people from a life of slavery, to Joshua Coombes, who gives free haircuts to homeless people - this is a timely and important book and leaves you inspired by the little things we can do to make the world a better place to live in.

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