We've created some lesson plans to help you celebrate the arrival of Frank Cottrell-Boyce as Waterstones Children's Laureate.
Download our Powerpoint presentation to enjoy discussions on the meaning of Laureate, explore the work of previous Waterstones Children's Laureate, and get to know Frank and his books a little better.
Plus we have three fun activities to try: writing a letter to the Laureate, writing a book review, and creating some Laureate artwork.
Letter to the Laureate
Download our lesson plan to help your class write a letter to the Waterstones Children's Laureate.
Book reviews
Get the lesson plan to help your class write reviews of Frank Cottrell-Boyce's books.
Create some artwork
Get ideas on how to create some artwork based around the Waterstones Children's Laureate.
The best books from the Waterstones Children's Laureate 2024-2026 Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Frank Cottrell-Boyce has been named the Waterstones Children's Laureate 2024-2026!
Here, we share a list of some of his books for you to explore...
Book Shelf Listing Results
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