Trusts and Foundations

BookTrust is so grateful to the trusts, foundations, statutory and corporate partners whose generosity has enabled us to support more children, families, childcare practitioners and educators and scale our impact across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

BookTrust prioritises the needs of children from low-income and vulnerable backgrounds, because these are the children for whom the benefits of reading can be most transformative. Our mission is urgent and not having the resources for us to deliver and deepen the impact of our work, we run the very real risk of further generations of young children from disadvantaged backgrounds falling behind in their early development and arriving for their school years not being ready to deal with the learning and challenges ahead of them.

Here you can find out more about our early years programme. Investing in early years shared reading is essential for the health and well-being of future generations of children and the benefit of the country.

Examples of how your support can help 

  • £5,000 – Can help us support over 1,000 families with special family reading packs for children with additional needs.
  • £25,000 – Could help us reach over 9,700 children in families where English is not their first language with access to dual language books, including refugee-and-asylum-seeking families.
  • £50,000 - Enable our BookTrust Storytime programme to work with over 1,300 libraries and support low-income families in areas of deprivation

BookTrust delivers innovative and impactful services for children and families, so if you represent a charitable trust, statutory or a lottery funder and would like to find out more about our work or to make a donation, please contact us at [email protected]

(Based on our 2024/25 budget)