Chwarae gyda Cymro / Playtime with Cymro (bilingual)
Publisher: Gomer
- Llyfr cyffwrdd a theimlo dwyieithog, darganfyddwch bethau llawn hwyl i'w gwneud a'u gweld gyda Cymro y ci.
- Mae elfennau rhyngweithiol ar bob tudalen sy'n rhoi rhywbeth cyffrous i chi ei gyffwrdd
- Mwynhewch y testun odli hyfryd a chael hwyl yn chwarae gyda Cymro!
Cymro is an adventurous chap who loves to jump and skip and run but after playing all day long, he needs to have a rest under a big green tree.
With a wonderful rhythm and beat to the text, modern illustrations, a loveable character and lots of pages for children to squish and scratch and stroke, this board book will leave families with lots to smile about.