
...He's On the Loose

Publisher: Red Squirrel Books

Wolf Man has escaped from his cage and is wrecking the town. All of the people in the town are scared and are rushing to hide indoors. Even the army are too scared to go after the Wolf Man! Everyone is watching Wolf Man from behind their curtains and wondering where he is going and what he is going to do. It's only when the Chief of Police asks Wolf Man what he wants that the situation starts to improve.

Michael Rosen and Chris Mould have created an exciting and engaging picture book. Children will enjoy hearing the story and engaging with the detailed illustrations. The dyslexia-friendly features make this book highly accessible. Other dyslexia friendly pictures books you might enjoy are Freddy and the Pig by Charlie Higson and Mark Chambers or All I Said Was by Michael Morpurgo and Ross Collins.

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