Until We Win

Publisher: Barrington Stoke

It's the summer of 1914 and 17-year-old Lizzy is excited to be growing up and becoming independent. She's got her first job and just bought her first bicycle. And when she gets talking to two young women in a café and they invite her to a suffragette meeting, Lizzy's life is changed forever. 

The suffragettes - the campaign for votes for women - are always in the news, but Lizzy hasn't really thought much about suffrage until now Suddenly, she's doing things she never imagined - attending marches, digging up golf courses, and going on hunger strike. How hard will she have to fight and how long until women get the vote?

This dyslexia friendly book includes themes of feminism and friendship, set against the looming backdrop of the First World War. Lizzy is a fantastic character, full of passion and wonderfully unafraid to stand up for herself and her beliefs.

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