The Concrete Garden

Publisher: Walker Books

Children spill out from the tower block after a long winter, and Amanda brings chalks. She draws a green and blue shape, then others add a pink mushroom, orange flowers, a giant snail. More and more children join in to create a beautiful picture on the concrete. And even though Luke’s dog smudges the flowers, the art of the concrete garden brings colour to everyone’s lives.

This deceptively simple picture book says a lot with very little text. There is an inclusive variety of people depicted, in a very mundane, familiar urban setting, which is uplifted by colour. The children enjoy adding to each other’s drawings, and forming one large piece of art. The whole community takes great joy from it, smudges and all. There are lively discussions to be had about creativity and teamwork and the importance of art in our lives. Hopefully, this should inspire young readers to get out their chalks or pencils too. A lovely book to share or to read aloud to a class.

Mae plant yn gorlifo allan o’r bloc tŵr, ac mae Amanda yn dod â sialc. Mae hi’n tynnu llun siâp gwyrdd ar y llawr, yna mae eraill yn ychwanegu manylion. Mae mwy o blant yn ymuno i greu darlun hardd, ac mae’r ardd goncrit yn dod â lliw i fywydau pawb.

Mae’r llyfr lluniau syml hwn yn dweud llawer gydag ychydig iawn o destun. Mae amrywiaeth gynhwysol o bobl yn cael eu darlunio, mewn lleoliad trefol cyfarwydd. Mae trafodaethau i’w cael am greadigrwydd, gwaith tîm, ac fe ddylai ysbrydoli darllenwyr ifanc i dynnu lluniau.

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