
(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Mayhew's first novel is a creepy Victorian tale in the traditional of Poe and Rider Haggard.

It tells of orphaned twins Josie and Alfie, separated as babies, who rediscover each other and set out to uncover the truth behind both their parents and the mysterious figures from their past who discovered the awful secrets of the Amarant, a supernatural flower which offers eternal life.

As a teacher Mayhew knows what his audience will enjoy, and provides plenty of bloodthirsty detail in his descriptions of corpses brought to life, of shape-shifting crow/human ghouls and exploding churchyards.

However, his tale offers readers the opportunity to discover Victorian horror stories, and to delve into traditional folk ballads, quotations from which preface each chapter.

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