I Really Really Don’t Like Parties
Publisher: Otter-Barry Books
Dora is a little girl who likes to sit in trees and quietly observe her surroundings. She definitely does not like parties. They are too busy, too noisy, and too chaotic – she simply can’t relax.
So when she’s invited to Rashid’s birthday, she makes excuses to avoid attending - even complaining that a gorilla stole her dress!
Once she arrives, she is met with the noise and drama she had predicted. But when she hides under the dining table, she meets a kindred spirit in Tom who, like her, prefers peace and quiet. Together, the two children have a lovely time chatting and eating party food. They come to realise that they are not alone in their preference for calm, and that perhaps parties are not so bad after all.
Angie Morgan’s charming book shares a reassuring, positive message in that it is OK to go your own way and stand out from the crowd. Her writing captures the anxieties many children may have about social situations and provides a good entry point for discussion.
The illustrations feature clever combinations of textured collage, oil pastels and block backgrounds which give them character and detail without being overwhelming.
Mae Dora yn hoffi gwylio’r byd o’i chwmpas yn dawel; dydy hi ddim yn hoffi partïon. Pan mae’n cael ei gwahodd i ben-blwydd Rashid, mae’n gwneud esgusodion i geisio osgoi mynd. Ond, tra ei bod hi yno, mae’n cwrdd ag enaid hoff cytûn yn Tom a gyda’n gilydd maen nhw’n dod i sylweddoli nad yw partïon mor wael â hynny wedi’r cyfan.
Mae’r llyfr hyfryd hwn yn gwahodd trafodaeth ac yn rhannu neges gadarnhaol ei bod yn iawn dilyn eich ffordd eich hun. Mae’n cynnwys elfennau difyr, doniol a chymeriadau a sefyllfaoedd y gellir uniaethu â nhw.
Canllaw Llyfrau Gwych Cymru 2024-25 - Ar gyfer plant 4 i 5 oed
Y llyfrau gorau o 2024-25 yn Gymraeg, Saesneg ac yn ddwy-ieithog ar gyfer plant 4-5 oed.