How to Update Your Parents

(1 reviews with an average rating of 4 out of 5)

Publisher: Award Publications

What's an Ig?

A snow house without a loo!

Louis - or LOUIS THE LAUGH - is desperate to be a stand-up comedian. But when he is suddenly cut from a TV show, his girlfriend Maddy is left to look after him.

However, when Maddy's parents decide to take her away from him, Louis' world begins to fall apart. Can he stop Maddy from leaving? Can he stop his brother Elliot from stealing his iPhone? And why on earth are his parent's banning modern technology and taking the family back to the 1970s?

A rip-roaringly hilarious adventure, this is the brilliant sequel to My Parents Are Driving Me Crazy, and features tears, bucket loads of snot, and some very strange clothes. It also features jokes of this kind of quality: 'What does a unicorn call his father? Pop.' What's not to like?!

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