Publisher: Piccadilly Press
Anya is not the kind of princess who sits around waiting to be rescued. No, she's definitely the get-up-and-figure-it-out kind of Princess. Which is very fortunate seeing as she needs to save her kingdom from her step-step-father (yes, that's right, step-step-father) and his evil sorcery. Oh, and find all the ingredients to reverse the transfigurations he's been conjuring - especially Prince Denholm, who's currently a rather unhappy frog.
A fairy tale for the modern feminist generation, Anya's Quest (yes, Quest with a capital Q) takes her through dark woods and across barren moorlands, outwitting giants, making appointments with Good Wizards, travelling by magic carpet and looking into magic mirrors. Joined by Ardent (an ever-faithful Royal dog with his own secret Quest), she collects friends and enemies and uncovers some Very Important Information. This is a fun and humourous adventure with riotous characters and a great twist on traditional fairy tale themes.