Feel Better, Daddy
A Story About Empathy
Publisher: Words and Pictures
Poor Daddy isn't feeling very well. His nose is red and his eyes are sleepy, so the little girl in this story decides she will look after him and be Daddy for the day.
First, she makes a soup of all Daddy's most favourite things (carrots, ice cream and a chicken leg); then she reads Daddy a lovely story. Finally, Daddy and daughter snuggle down together for a nap, and like magic, when Daddy wakes up, the red nose and sleepy eyes are gone! Daddy can be Daddy again. Hurrah!
This adorable story about a little girl taking care of her unwell father is one that encourages empathy in little ones; it's part of the Bright Start series which aims to support 'happier, healthier children' and focuses on inspiring conversations about emotions and mental wellbeing between adults and children.
It's a lovely little story with appealing red, black-and-white illustrations which, conveyed in a ten-page board book, means it will appeal to the slightly older end of the toddler/nursery age.