Bunny vs Monkey and the League of Doom!

Bunny vs Monkey 3

Publisher: David Fickling Books

Welcome to another mayhem-packed year in the woods! Monkey is still trying to be evil (and not always succeeding) while Bunny is still resisting evil (mostly) and doing his best to keep Pig and Weenie out of harm’s way.

Since his partner-in-troublemaking disappeared, Monkey is a bit short on devious schemes and evil plans and has been reduced to scaring Bunny with smelly mud on a stick. But before long Skunky comes raging back with a whole new batch of genius inventions to help him in his quest for world domination, the destruction of the woods, and generally annoying everyone else.

With themes as diverse as filling Bunny’s house with custard and distorting the fabric of time and space, the latest instalment in the Bunny vs Monkey universe is as hilarious and wildly imaginative as ever.

Presented as a series of short comic strips that build to tell an overarching story, the adventures in the woods can be read in chronological order or dipped into at random.

Vividly-coloured, dynamic illustrations throughout may appeal particularly to reluctant readers but most 7–11-year-olds will enjoy the anarchic humour and plentiful fart and poo jokes.

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