Y Fainc Ffrindiau / The Friendship Bench

Publisher: Atebol Cyfyngedig

Dyma lyfr hudol sydd yn tywys y darllenydd trwy’r her o ddatblygu cyfeillgarwch newydd. Mae Tes newydd symud tŷ. Tra ei bod hi a’i chi gyda’i gilydd mae Tes yn hapus. Ond pam ddaw’r her o fynd i’r ysgol ar ei phen ei hun, daw ansicrwydd am wneud ffrindiau newydd I’r amlwg. Mae’r athro’n awgrymu bod Tes yn rhoi cynnig ar y Fainc Ffrindiau. Yno, mae hi’n dod o hyd i Fflint. Gan nad yw eu cyfeillgarwch yn tanio’n syth mae’r ddau’n penderfynu bod y fainc wedi torri. Daw’r hud wrth i’r ddau fwrw ati i drwsio’r fainc ffrindiau heb sylwi eu bod yn adeiladu eu cyfeillgarwch newydd sbon eu hunain.

This is a magical book that guides the reader through the challenge of developing new friendships. Tilly has just moved to a new house. While she is with her dog she is happy in her new home, but the challenge of going to school without her dog raises uncertainty about creating new friendships. In order to help, her teacher suggests trying the friendship bench. There she finds Flint. Because their friendship does not spark instantly they decide the bench has broken. The magic arises as the two work together to mend the bench without realising they have built a brand-new friendship of their own.



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