Weithiau Dwi’n Teimlo’n Heulog / Sometimes I Feel Sunny (bilingual)

Publisher: Dref Wen

Gall pedwar ffrind deimlo unrhyw beth – o deimlo’n heulog i deimlo’n hwyliog, o deimlo fel brenin i deimlo dim. Mae pob diwrnod yn dechrau wrth i’r haul godi a daw teimlad, a dilynwn y ffrindiau drwy lawer o wahanol emosiynau hyd nes i’r haul fachlud. Ac wedyn mae ambell deimlad cysglyd a hyfryd amser gwely hyd yn oed.

Bydd y plant yn mwynhau’r penillion annwyl a’r darluniau bywiog wrth i’r ffrindiau ddod â’r holl emosiynau’n fyw. Dyma lyfr gonest a hyfryd – ffordd wych i ddangos bod gan bawb emosiynau cryf weithiau.

Four friends can feel anything – from feeling sunny to feeling funny, from feeling like a king to not feeling anything. Every day begins with the sun rising and a feeling, and we follow the friends through lots of the different emotions until the sun sets. And then there’s even a couple of sleepy and lovely feelings at bedtime.

Children will enjoy the adorable rhyme scheme and the vibrant illustrations as the friends bring all the emotions to life. This is an honest and lovable book – fantastic for showing that everyone has strong emotions sometimes.

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A heart-warming story about enjoying play, laughter and learning with the cutest little and large owls. 

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