Women in Sport: 50 Fearless Athletes who Played to Win

Publisher: Wren & Rook

You might be aware of Venus and Serena Williams, and other famous sportswomen like Billie Jean King, Clare Balding and US football star Mia Hamm, but do you know who Ronda Rousey is, or Junko Tabei, Susan Butcher or Melissa Stockwell, ex-US Army lieutenant and current paratriathlete?

So many women’s achievements in sport have been overlooked in favour of men’s over the years, so it’s a great pleasure to see these 50 women celebrated in this marvellous follow up to Rachel Ignotofsky’s Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World.

Like Women in Science, this lovely hardback features one woman per double-page spread, with appealing graphic illustrations and quotes and facts about the woman featured on one page, with a detailed profile on the facing one. The text is engaging and factual, represented clearly and with a focus on inspiring and empowering readers. It’s great that we’re now seeing these specialised, themed women collections, and exciting that children’s knowledge is being expanded to include so many strong and fearless athletes.

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