Whisper Shout Let It Out!

Publisher: Two Hoots – Pan Macmillan

An uplifting and energising call for children to find their voices from debut author Madhvi Ramani and illustrator Anuska Allepuz. This book is immediately interactive and engaging as it invites its child audience to experiment with their voices in a call and response or shared reading style. Readers follow a diverse, inclusive group of friends as they play with volume, pitch, rhythm, rhyme and silliness to find the inner voice that makes them unique.

The rhyming, flowing text is complemented by bold illustrations of natural scenes, characterful children and a flock of bright birds who appear throughout the book. Children may enjoy having a go at creating their own artwork in the same style – using collage, stamping, finger painting and textural rubbings to achieve similar effects.

This is a perfect book for building confidence and empowering young readers. It centres children’s voices and creativity whilst disrupting the expectation that you need to sit still for a story! A great opportunity for fun and individuality, this text takes its audience on a rollercoaster ride of vocal exploration from shouting and stamping to whispering and practising quiet meditation.

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