What It Was Like To Be An Ancient Maya

Publisher: Barrington Stoke

This fascinating and informative non-fiction book introduces readers to the ancient Maya, a mysterious civilisation who dominated Central and South America for centuries, until their eventual demise in the sixteenth century.  

Readers will learn that the Maya were the first people in the Americas to learn how to read and write, and they developed a deep understanding of astronomy and mathematics. They were skilled architects, engineers and inventors, whose sophisticated farming techniques enabled them to successfully grow crops, despite living in a region largely covered by rainforest with poor-quality soil.

The Maya were also a brutal bunch who engaged in human sacrifice and frequent, bloody warfare, which may have contributed to their downfall.  

Part of the What It Was Like To Be… series, this super-readable book contains a range of features specifically designed to help dyslexic and reluctant readers. The black-and-white artwork which features throughout enables children to visualise some of the unfamiliar aspects of Maya life and culture.

A list of contents, along with clear labelling at the top of each page, helps readers to navigate through the book. And a special font helps to avoid confusing letter shapes and is well-spaced to minimise blurring and switching. 

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