The Traitor Game

Publisher: Bloomsbury

After suffering terrible bullying at his old school, Michael goes to a new school and finds a friend. Francis shares an interest in Michael's very private creation, the fantasy world of Evgard, and their new friendship seems almost too good to be true.

But when Michael discovers that someone else knows about Evgard, Michael becomes convinced that Francis has betrayed his confidence and was never his friend at all. Michael must strike back, before the inevitable ridicule and bullying begin. But unwittingly, it is Michael who is in fact the 'traitor' in this game.

Meanwhile, in the land of Evgard, two boys are forging a friendship that will lead to betrayal and death. Set in two worlds, both real and fantasy, this intelligent and moving story of friendship, fear, misunderstanding and forgiveness was awarded the Branford Boase Award in 2009.

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