The Magic Callaloo

Publisher: Walker

A magic callaloo plant grows in the middle of a village, and its leaves can grant wishes if they are eaten.

After an evil, greedy man eats all but one of the leaves of the magical plant, using all the wishes for himself, it means that the villagers must rely on each other rather than the magical plant to grant wishes. Yet, for a couple in the village – Mister and Missis who desperately want a baby, the last leaf of the magic callaloo plant is their only chance. 

When Missis finds and eats the last leaf of the callaloo, she becomes pregnant and is gifted with a lovely little girl called Lou with beautiful curly hair. Yet, when Lou is stolen away by the wicked man who ate all the callaloo leaves and enslaved by him, she faces a lifetime of imprisonment.  

Finally, a wise old woman appears and offers to braid Lou’s beautiful curly hair, and, in doing so, provides her with a map back to her family. 

In a wonderful allegorical story highlighting a crucial part of Black history, superstar children’s author Trish Cooke tells a tale inspired by the real stories of enslaved Africans who made patterns in their cornrowed hair, using them as maps to escape their enslavers.

Sophie Bass’ vibrant illustrations fill the pages with sunlight, nature and mystery, complementing Cooke’s allegory with beauty and magic. Absolutely gorgeous. 

Mae planhigyn callaloo arbennig yn tyfu yng nghanol pentref, ei ddail yn gwireddu dymuniadau o’u bwyta. Mae Missus yn defnyddio’r hud hwn i ddymuno am ferch fach o’r enw Lou. Ond mae Lou yn cael ei herwgipio gan ddyn drwg ac mae’n rhaid iddi ddod o hyd i’w ffordd adref.

Mae stori symbolaidd Trish Cooke yn amlygu rhan hollbwysig o hanes pobl dduon, wedi’i hysbrydoli gan straeon go iawn Affricanwyr a ddihangodd eu caethiwyddion. Mae darluniadau bywiog Sophie Bass yn llenwi’r tudalennau gyda golau’r haul, natur a dirgelwch, gan ategu geiriau Cooke gyda harddwch a hud.

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