The Last Dragon

Publisher: Knights Of

This book is set in a totally familiar, everyday world in Milton Keynes... except there is still one dragon left. She flies around the world and is deeply beloved.

12-year-old Lara isn’t actually that into the dragon herself; she has other things to worry about. But Lara’s younger sister George is obsessed. George is really sick and has been in hospital for months, and Lara is incredibly worried about her.

Their family moved because of George's illness and for Lara, everything is upside down and awful. She hates her new school and is starting to get a reputation for being badly behaved, after a lifetime of being good.

Then Lara has an encounter with the dragon that changes everything. It leaves her an egg before it flies away. It’s a gift of great power that might even help her sister get better, so now Lara has to be incredibly brave and daring and escape the Dragon Detection Squad.  

This is a brilliantly written story. It’s in first person, so a reader can get into the head of Lara, and the encounter with the dragon is beautifully described.

But this book isn’t just about dragons; it’s about family, and especially the power of sister bonds. It’s also about friendship. Yara makes friends with Bertie, a non-binary 12-year-old, using they/them pronouns, who is bullied for being different.

It’s a book about being who you are, which is not always how people expect you to be. But it’s also about real-life dragon in Milton Keynes!

Mewn byd lle mae un ddraig yn dal i fodoli, mae’r ferch 12 oed Lara yn symud i Milton Keynes oherwydd salwch ei chwaer.

Mae’n casáu ei hysgol newydd, ac mae bywyd yn teimlo’n gwbl anghywir.

Pan fo draig yn gadael wy iddi, rhodd o rym a allai helpu ei chwaer, mae’n rhaid iddi fod yn ddewr ac yn eofn i ddianc y criw darganfod dreigiau bygythiol.

Mae hon yn stori person cyntaf sydd wedi’u hysgrifennu’n ardderchog. Mae am deulu, grym clymau rhwng chwiorydd a bod â’r hyder i fod yn chi eich hun beth bynnag fo’r canlyniadau.

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