5 thrilling historical adventures 23/01/25
Tales of Terror from the Black Ship
Publisher: Bloomsbury
‘I do so love to be frightened,’ says Cathy – as she and her brother, with increasing discomfort, listen to his plentiful store of macabre and supernatural stories from the high seas.
Priestly draws on all the gruesome and outlandish conventions of the Gothic to offer these deliciously chilling tales of demons, horrors, curses and hauntings.
The story telling and the illustrations, with their fine (as if etched) lines are brilliantly unsettling, and we savour the thrill of dread – knowing that something fearful waits in the wings.
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Eve, 28 November 2014
also one of my favourites by Chris priestly the first one I ever read and I'm glad because now I read even more than I used to .