Ranger Hamza’s Eco Quest

Publisher: Ivy Kids

Ranger Hamza takes readers on a wonderful quest to discover a variety of brilliant natural elements, from rainwater to lichen, dead wood, snails, acorns and seaweed. For each discovery, Ranger explains how nature is set up to work as an amazing ecosystem and the clever things it does. 

On each double-page spread, Ranger tells us a little about each different natural element and suggests a practical activity connected to it: for rainwater, there are instructions on how to make an easy water butt; for acorns, there are three easy steps to grow a mini oak tree; and there are even tips for making a dead wood stumpery for beetles to live in. 

At the end of the book, there are some useful and simple ideas for ways that readers and their families can be eco heroes: walking or cycling instead of using the car, repairing belongings instead of replacing them, recycling, and learning about different nature habitats so that you know how to protect them. 

This is a lovely introduction to some of the cleverest bits of nature that can also be found on a walk in a park or garden, and the activities are accessible and easy to do.

Fans of Ranger Hamza on CBeebies will love this picture book, which is part of a series, and it’s a lovely read with lots of colourful illustration and rhyming text. 

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