My Big Barefoot Book of Wonderful Words
Publisher: Barefoot Books
A simple concept but a hugely satisfying wealth of material is offered up in this vibrant catalogue of words and pictures. The reader is first introduced to a diverse cast of characters before joining them in a jubilant celebration of a busy family’s daily life, covering everything from getting dressed and making breakfast to visiting the library, going to the market and bus ride through the countryside – before it’s finally time to get ready for bed.
Over 20 double-page spreads in turn each offers an abundance of bold, colourful and highly accessible images, all neatly labelled with the appropriate words. However, the book doesn’t stop at the obvious or the domestic. So you can discuss the weather and talk about your favourite pets, alongside spotting tornadoes and temples, rockets and rickshaws, mermaids and mosques. One particularly inspired spread promotes the discussion of feelings, encouraging children to identify emotions based on the expressions on a series of little faces. Another fires the imagination, asking young readers to think about the story book characters they would most like to meet.
Meanwhile the backdrop is diverse and inclusive in every sense. In terms of disability, for example, we can see accessible ramps, tactile paving, hearing loops and characters wearing glasses and using crutches or wheelchairs get about town and forge careers. However, it’s all perfectly natural and unforced.
A veritable goldmine of material to discuss, clues to find and pleasing details to spot, delivered in a thoroughly inclusive package.
Casual inclusion of disabled characters
This list comprises books which include disabled characters within their images and/or story naturally, subtly and often without comment.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Kelly, 22 September 2015
My 2 1/2 year old grand-twins LOVE this book. It's fun to follow along with this family throughout their day, but there is a new subject, picture, or idea to talk about each time we open the book! For children with short attention spans, it's amazing how much time we can spend exploring imaginations - whether it's talking about vegetables we like or which animal we'd like for a pet, we always have a great time cuddling with this book. A GREAT READ!