What to Read After... David Walliams 17/02/25
Book three of the Hunger Games trilogy
Publisher: Scholastic
The final part of the Hunger Games trilogy proves as shocking, voyeuristic and violent as the earlier volumes. Collins envisages a future world in North America in which civilisation has broken down, largely as a result of our twenty-first-century obsession with war, image and gameshows.
The Hunger Games are just that: teenagers pitted against each other in a modern take on the legend of Theseus, or gladiatorial games, fighting to the death.
Collins explores the effects of war and violence on those coming of age, centring her text around Katniss, a girl who has emerged as the 'Mockingjay', a legendary figurehead who will front the revolt against oppression and cruelty, and who faces serious ethical and personal issues.
What you thought...
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Nora, 18 May 2022
Omg people open your minds these books are to die for its just .. OMG MIND BLOWING🤯 ITS ADDICTIVE CAN'T PUT IT DOWN!!! BUY IMMEDIATELY OR READ . I am waiting for number 4 its just amazing when someone says Hunger Games I get hyper this trio is just indescribable that's how AMAZING it is love the Hunger games .
Katniss, 04 February 2021
Last in a trilogy. Epic dystopian vision of the USA’s future. The series has left me spellbound. I am 11, nearly 12. This book can be read by under 13s!!! It is not inappropriate, just a bit violent. The hunger games series is quite possibly the best I’ve ever read. Read these books, especially number 1 and 3, you will never forget the mockingjay from district 12!
HungerGamesFan12, 14 April 2020
Amazing book
Ella, 08 March 2017
molly, 11 February 2016
Absolutely memorizing book, An explosion of courage, bravery , love and loss...
Eve, 10 October 2014
This book is amazing! I couldn't put it down!
Iris, 07 October 2014
@Khalyah The Booktrust website only shows book reviews, it isn't a website where you can download whole books to read. Try your school library or local library to see if you can borrow the book!
Admin, 17 September 2014
How do I read a book?
Khalyah, 17 September 2014
This book is a big let down compeared to the rest of the books. It is depressing.
Gus, 21 August 2014
I love this book
Unicycling_Tiger, 01 August 2014
this book is really bad because u get confused all the time... well for me i do .
katniss, 19 July 2013
I thought this was awesome! I was just itching to get onto this book after I read ' The Hunger Games' and 'Catching Fire' and this looked the best (visually) I thought it played with my emotions and was based around the war with background link with the Chemistry between Katniss and Peeta. It did not have as much romance as I would of hoped but it more than made up with the action and the Mind-Blowing ending. It just shows no matter how much trouble, loss and death can happen in life, it c...
Issie, 21 February 2013
So i read this at 9 (no longer 9) years old and its so exciting!! The plot just keeps turning and more new characters, and the its just nonstop action. The end slows, though that has a purpose. This was just so capturing i couldn’t stop.