Mira a’r Goeden / Mira and the Tree

Publisher: Atebol Cyfyngedig

Dyma’r drydedd yn y gyfres o lyfrau Mira, a’r tro hwn mae’r prif gymeriad yn mentro ar drip gwersylla am y tro cyntaf gyda ffrindiau’r teulu nad yw hi wedi eu gweld ers oedd yn fabi. Dydy pethau ddim yn argoeli’n dda wrth i bryderon Mira am golli parti ei ffrind a gwneud pethau newydd dduo’i hwyliau. Wedi cyrraedd, daw mwy o heriau wrth iddi drio datblygu perthnasau â phlant eraill sef Rory (sy’n anabl) ac Imelda ei chwaer. Ond trwy gymorth ei theulu a’i ffrindiau newydd daw Mira i adnabod eraill, a hi ei hun, yn llawer gwell. Dyma lyfr a fydd, heb os, yn datblygu empathi ymhlith ei ddarllenwyr ifanc.


This is the third in the Mira series and this time the main character is venturing on a camping trip for the first time, with family friends she hasn’t seen since she was a baby. Things don’t bode well as worries about missing a friend’s party and doing new things cloud Mira’s mood at the start of the trip. After arriving, more challenges arise as Mira tries to develop new friendships with other children – Rory (who is disabled) and his sister Imelda. But with the help of her family and new friends Mira develops the ability to understand others and herself far better. A book that will, undoubtedly, develop empathy in its young readers.

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