
Publisher: Walker Books

It is a pleasure to read a book which captures a purely happy, upbeat mood. The beaming kitten’s exuberance as it zooms, zim-zams, jingles and wrangles its onomatopoeic way across the pages in pursuit of a favourite toy will bring a smile to both parent and child.

Soft, watercolour illustrations in warm colours bring the rhyming, rhythmic words to life and introduce other characters who block or help the kitten on his way. Even a big, bumpy tumble is humorous and doesn’t keep the kitten’s bounce down for long. Mum (or Dad – it is not specified) is there to pick him up and brush him down, so the kitten can head off, full of joy once again.

This warm, fun and funny book is the perfect comfort read for a gloomy day. Sharing it with a parent, children will be introduced to rhyme, rhythm and the subtle shifts in pace and tone that convey changes in narrative voice. It could even be used for older primary classes to introduce these concepts, in the same way that a poem might be used. It captures the ups and downs of happy toddler life in a reassuring way.

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