Into the Blue

Publisher: Graffeg

Kick off your shoes at the edge of the blue. There's a whole world of wonder waiting for you!

Thus begins Nicola Davies' imaginary trip to the seaside and beyond, to seas and oceans. In the delightfully colourful spreads, a little girl looks for sea urchins and anemones in rock pools, finds a crab under seaweed, snorkels underwater with puffins and finds a conger eel under weed-covered rocks. Further out, we find immense whales in the ocean and bright sea slugs in the coral reef.

Davies and Cameron ably depict the sheer variety of the underwater world accessibly for little ones, conveying a sense of wonder at all the amazing creatures the seas and oceans hold.

Part of a series of rhyming non-fiction picture books ideal for 3-6s, Into The Blue joins Animal Surprises, The Secret of the Egg and The Word Bird in presenting accurate information about a variety of elements of the natural world in a fun and dynamic format.

Davies' rhymes are fun and bouncy, giving lots of interesting facts that kids are bound to remember. There's a fun little puzzle at the end, too.

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