I Am Henry Finch

Publisher: Walker Books

The finches do the same thing every day: they say good morning, they say good afternoon and good night. That is, unless the beast comes - then it's chaos. One night Henry Finch wakes up and does something different - he has a thought. He has lots of thoughts and they inspire him to achieve! Next time the beast comes, Henry is ready to turn his thoughts into action.

Alexis Deacon is a fantastic picture book writer. His economical texts are deceptively simple, often encapsulating the whole of society or in this instance, human (or animal!) endeavour, in a few sentences. Paired with Schwarz's clever illustration they are picture book perfection - be sure to seek out their brilliant book Cheese Belongs To You.

Schwarz employs a clever fingerprint plus doodle technique that begs to be copied. Her storytelling skill is put to best use on the wonderful spread depicting the circle of life. Little ones will love the humour and the illustration style and it could provoke some wonderfully creative discussions with children who are ready to think outside of the box.

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