How To Say I Love You In Five Languages

Publisher: Wide Eyed Editions

Pierre says, 'I love you' in French to his friend: 'Je t'aime'. Jia Jia says, 'I love you' in Mandarin to her brother: 'Wo ai ni'. Five children from different countries show us who they love and how to say 'I love you' in their own languages, as well as other short phrases. There are also buttons to press to hear the sound of each child saying the phrase in their language.

This is a charming book that's a fun one to share with pre-schoolers – it's a board book, so aimed at the younger end of the market – but can actually still be useful with older children who can be learning their first phrases in other languages at school. The diverse spread of children are represented thoughtfully, demonstrating a good range of family and friend relationships, environments and activities, and Kenard Pak's illustrations are stylish, clear and modern.

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