Doing the Animal Bop
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Children will enjoy matching the rhythmic text to the animals actions, and joining in with the dancing themselves.
A great book for sharing and one that children are sure to want to hear over and over again!
Being active
Hop, skip, dance and jump with these books guaranteed to get you up and moving
Books about animals for toddlers
These books are perfect for entertaining toddlers and younger children that love animals, with everything from hilariously silly stories to early learning tales.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Sharon1, 19 September 2016
My daughter has this book and loves it, very fun to read to her
Angela_kiwi, 21 October 2015
Lovely for a baby- make the right noises for each animal
Catjstani, 03 September 2015
My 2 year old son love the music and dances to the tune, shouting the animal names :) He loves Rhino the most
Ishaan, 23 July 2015
A brilliant, colourful, happy book. My girl is only 1 and loves the rhymes and bright pictures.
Evie, 13 July 2015
We recieved this book as a present for my eldest daughter however my 18 month old seems to enjoy it the most. She knows all the actions and sounds before we've even turned the page. Because of the beautiful bright pictures, the wonderful flow of words and the interactive nature of this book my little girl knew her jungle animals before her farm ones! It's also a lovely book to share with kids of different ages.
Mel&Wil, 11 February 2014
MY 2,5 year old daughter loves this book. Read it all over again and again. Highly recomending !!!
Mir, 23 January 2014
Read this with my daughter the 2nd wk of starting nursery and she loved recognising all the animals and made the noises. She now owns the book she got from Bookstart and has shared it with neighbors friends.
Bookwormer, 24 October 2013
I read this book to my 3 year old daughter and was amazed to see her jump out of bed and join in with the Animal Bop! A great read and one of her favourite books! x
Gwinny, 20 September 2013
I loved reading this bedtime story to my little boy, he loves all the rhyming books!
Hannah&Sam, 17 May 2013
I read this to my son on a camping trip when he was two. He loved to join in with this wonderfully rhythmic story. Two years later, he absolutely loves to create rhymes for himself.
Beth, 03 June 2011
This story was read to my son at a playgroup with puppets being illustrated for each animal and upbeat music in the background, and my son absolutely loved it. A great hit!