Babies Laugh at Tickles
Publisher: Campbell Books
Do you love tickles? Do you want one now? Then press the giggle button and off we go!
Here comes a tickle on your toes. Here comes a tickle on your nose. Enjoy all the tickles and all the giggles together as you turn the pages and look at the babies and their families having fun.
This interactive board book would be fantastic to share with a little one. It has a ‘giggle button’ which, when pressed, plays the sound of a baby’s giggle. This irresistible sound will get the baby reader giggling too, especially if the adult gently tickles them as well.
The simple text directs the adults where to tickle the child, meaning that the whole experience is a beautiful way of bonding. The families shown are diverse and inclusive, and include depictions of older siblings and grandparents interacting with the babies.
This gorgeous book is written by developmental psychologist Dr Caspar Addyman, who specialises in the importance of laughter and positive emotions in babies and whose studies show that babies who laugh more learn more.
A wonderful way to bond – and children of all ages will enjoy pressing the button (thus developing their fine motor skills!)
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