Ava and the Acorn

Publisher: Hachette

Ava and her grandad share a special bond. Walking together through the woods to their old oak treemaking memoriesplaying games and sharing picnics beneathits boughsOn each visit, they see the effects of the changing seasons. Fresh buds filled with hope in spring, abundance in the summer sun and rich, golden reddish hues in the peace of autumn 

But as the tree fades from its former glory in winter, so too does Ava’s grandad. He walks her to their oak for one last time and together they plant an acorn from its branches 

As Ava watches their new tree grow over the years she reflects on an invaluable lesson“All the things that you’ve lost – that you’ve loved – are not gone, when they’re held in your heart, a small part still lives on.    

This is a beautiful exploration of growth, change and loss told through the magic of nature’s cyclesFraser’s prose creates a gentle rhythm that offers a reflective reading experience, and the metaphor of the seasons makes the themes of loss accessible for young readers. 

Donnelly’s enchanting illustrations, which bring the natural world to life in rich, earthy tones, are exceptional – making exquisite use of sunlight in each scene to create an immersive feel. This book is well suited to topics of seasonal change which are covered in reception and key stage 1.  

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