Ac Rwy'n Clywed Dreigiau / ...And I Hear Dragons (bilingual)

Publisher: Firefly Press

Mae hwn yn gasgliad gafaelgar, sydd wedi ei olygu’n effeithiol gan Hanan Issa. Daw’r pleser o weld y ffordd mae’r beirdd wedi dehongli'r thema dreigiau mor wahanol. Mae digonedd o gerddi ysgafn yma a fydd yn ennyn chwerthin ond mae hyn wedi’i gyd-bwyso â cherddi mwy meddylgar a fydd yn annog y plant i archwilio eu hunaniaeth a’u bywyd mewnol eu hunain – ynghyd â dychmygu sut greaduriaid fyddai dreigiau eu nhw ei hunain. Mae amrywiaeth y lleisiau a’r negeseuon ynghyd â’r darluniau yn  golygu bod hwn yn llyfr gwerth ei rannu.


This is a captivating poetry collection, skillfully curated by the current National Poet of Wales. The joy of reading the book comes from the startlingly different ways the poets have chosen to interpret the concept of dragons. There are plenty of laugh-out loud poems in between the covers, however, this lightness is balanced with poems that encourage children to investigate and reflect on their own identity and inner worlds and imagine how their own dragon might manifest itself. The diversity in the voices and the messages, coupled with the illustrations, makes this a fast-paced, child-friendly read.


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