Ahmed and the Feather Girl

(1 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Frances Lincoln Children's Books

Ahmed, a poor orphan boy, works for a travelling circus, run by the cruel Madame Saleem. One day he finds a beautiful golden egg in the woods and brings it back to the circus. From the egg hatches a little girl, Aurelia, and in time she grows feathers on her back. Madame Saleem keeps Aurelia in a cage as her star attraction.

But when Ahmed sees that Aurelia is miserable and needs to fly, he sets her free. Each night Aurelia appears to Ahmed in a dream and gives him a feather, and he begins to feel hope once more.

This beautiful fairy tale story of hope and dreams is enchanting. Jane Ray's illustrations are truly magical. A wonderful book to keep and treasure.

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