A Tower of Giraffes

(2 reviews with an average rating of 4 out of 5)

Publisher: Words & Pictures

This magnificent picture book presents an assortment of birds and animals, each grouped under their collective name and accompanied by entertaining factual snippets.

Learn about the social habits of the fittingly-named Prickle of Hedgehogs and Tower of Giraffes; admire the stylish Flock of Sheep, each sporting a delightful knitted jumper; and marvel at the vivacious Flamboyance of Flamingos as they strut theatrically across the page.

The spectacular illustrations are rendered using a combination of pen and ink, watercolour and collage, to create a joyful host of creatures that are full of personality. Fun, informative and visually stunning, this exquisite volume of collective nouns will be treasured by children and adults alike, and cannot be recommended highly enough.

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