Booklists beginning with: P

  • Books about plants for primary school children

    Find out more about brilliant plants in this selection of fiction, non-fiction and poetry for primary school children.

  • Books about polar bears for older children (8+)

    Polar bears are fierce, solitary and both terrifying and enthralling in equal measure. They capture the imagination like no other animal.

  • Books all about puberty

    Puberty is a confusing time. These helpful books not only explain the changes that happen to children’s bodies and emotions, but can also empower them as they grow into teenagers and beyond. Encompassing mental health, friendship issues, navigating the online world, and much much more, we hope these books will be a comfort and a support.

  • Books celebrating the joy of books!

    These delightful picture books celebrate the joy of books and reading.

  • Books for potty training

    Potty training is an important part of a pre-schooler’s life, and it can help to see a character in a book doing it too. It’s also important to have funny books to read when on the potty! Here is a selection of books that might encourage a young child to focus on toilet training.

  • Books to help children understand depression in grown-ups

    If you're a parent or carer with depression, the fiction books below may help your child talk about their feelings and understand what's going on a bit better.

  • Dark romance

    Taking a range of different approaches to the dark romance genre, these are all compelling novels combining love and passion with supernatural mystery.

  • Penguin books for Penguin Awareness Day

    It's Penguin Awareness Day, so, we've put together a booklist full of books about penguins, so you can get to know more about the flightless birds and love everything they're about.

  • Picture books about birds

    We've put together a list of some of our favourite feathered-friend tales. From classics like Owl Babies, to a book full of birdsong and a wild goose adventure, they'll have little ones flocking for a story.

  • Picture books about daily routines

    Babies and young children love routines – and they love seeing characters doing the same things as them. From getting dressed to having lunch, brushing teeth to reading a bedtime story, toddlers and babies will enjoy recognising the familiar daily activities. Here is a selection of lovely picture books that highlight the everyday moments of a little one’s li…

  • Picture books about polar bears

    We love polar bears! Here is a selection of brilliant picture books that celebrate polar bears, whether in their natural icy habitat or having fun with other animals.

  • Picture books with Muslim characters for ages 0-5

    These joyous picture books by Muslim authors and/or illustrators show characters having fun with their families, and being loved. 

  • Plants and gardens

    We celebrate books about the power of flowers, spectacular plants and a spot of gardening.

  • Plastic Free July

    Ready to ditch the plastic? You can be part of the solution to the plastic problem harming our environment by joining in with Plastic Free July - and we've picked our favourite books to help children get involved with reducing plastic waste

  • Poetry books for the Poetry Friendly Classroom

    Take a look at some of our favourite children's poetry books - perfect for use in the poetry-friendly classroom.

  • Politics, freedom of choice, and the big issues

    These books are a great way to get secondary school aged children engaged with issues of politics and human rights.

  • Prize-winning books to read from 2019

    This list has been created from all the fantastic books that have won awards over the last year and come fully recommended for your child.

  • Pyjamarama: brilliant bedtime books for age 5 upwards

    Sharing the magic of stories as part of the bedtime ritual can calm and soothe children, and ignite their imaginations. We think these books are fantastic to read together at the end of the day.

  • Pyjamarama: fun books to read with children in Key Stage 1

    Reading books to children has lots of amazing benefits, even as they're starting to read themselves. Sharing a story or a fascinating information book is a great way to bond, and it improves their overall wellbeing. But, most importantly, it's fun! We hope you enjoy reading these brilliant books together.

  • Pyjamarama: fun books to read with children in Key Stage 2

    Reading books to children has lots of amazing benefits, even when they can read themselves. Sharing a story or a fascinating information book is still a great way to bond at this age, and it improves their overall wellbeing. But, most importantly, it's fun! We hope you enjoy reading these brilliant books together.

  • Pyjamarama: fun books to read with children in Reception

    Reading books to children has lots of amazing long-term benefits. Sharing a story or a fascinating information book is a great way to bond, and it improves children's overall wellbeing. But, most importantly, it's fun! We hope you enjoy reading these brilliant books together.

  • Pyjamarama: perfect picture books for bedtime

    There's nothing quite as magical as a bedtime story. As part of Pyjamarama, our celebration of bedtime stories, we've put together a list of brilliant bedtime reads that little ones - and grownups - will love.